Face-to-Face Training

Training delivered on-site allowing full interaction and engagement with all stakeholders.


Standard and bespoke training courses are offered in the following subjects:


✓ Competitive strategy - the foundation for transformational growth

✓ Business operating models for competitive advantage

✓ Competitive business strategy for small and micro businesses

✓ Competitive business strategy for mid-sized businesses

✓ Tools and techniques for strategy development

✓ Developing vision and mission

✓ Strategy deployment - Theory and practice

✓ Measuring and managing business performance

✓ Strategy governance – Theory and practice

✓ Cultural change management for strategy deployment


Key benefits of the Face-to-Face training approach:

✦ Building and embedding strategic leadership capability into your business

✦ Tailored approach to ensure training is relevant, in context, and meets the needs of the delegates and business

✦ Highly engaging & interactive sessions 

✦ Access to consultant expertise for q&a and advice to further boost relevance and insight
