Strategy defines new Target Operating Model (TOM) for transformed commodity manufacturer.

Product/Services: Steel Products

Sector: Automotive, Electrical, Aerospace, Energy

Turnover: £4.1m

Headcount: 124


This low margin commodity-based business was seeking to increase profits and differentiate themselves in a crowded market place.

O&P Approach and Outcome:

A new vision, mission and strategy were created and deployed leading to:

•        Manufacturing operations and stock holdings were rationalised to reduce the cost base and increase production efficiency

•        A new supply chain and distribution model was implemented to increase customer service and reduce cost to serve.

•        Innovative products and services were created to complement the core commodity products and increase margins.

•        A salesforce was developed, targeted on selling higher value add products and services.

The company has grown annual revenues from £4.1m to £16m over a three year period.

Customer score: 4.5/5 ⭐️
Client comments: ”Always very helpful and timely support, even outside of our scheduled sessions”